Last Farewell is a Task handed to the player by Gunny at the Base Camp in Gray Zone Warfare. It requires you find a missing body and place a tracker on it. Gunny will hand you the tracker but it will automatically store itself in your Locker so be sure to drag it into your backpack or purchase another one from Gunny if you lose it.
Vendor: Gunny
Task: Last Farewell
Objective: Locate the body
Reward: M4A1, $3400, 400 XP, 100 Vendor Reputation
Faction Coordinates:
Lamang Recovery Initiative - 204 156
Mithras Security Systems - 167 122
Crimson Shield International - 147 162
The closest Point of Interest to the Last Farewell location is the starting towns Gas Station. The direction will vary depending on which Faction you are part of. Check the coordinates above to find the exact location for your crew.
Once you reach the destination you will find a small farm house with a red tractor outside. The body can be located on the floor outside, just passed the farm houses main door. You'll need to place the tracker on the fallen soldiers body to complete this Task for Gunny.
Upon accepting this mission you will be approached by Handshake who is offering a different set of rewards for completing this task and ignoring Gunny's request. The reward items are better but Gunny is one of the most essential Vendor's in our opinion to level faster as he offers better weapons like the MK18 once you reach level 2 with him so it is better, in our opinion, to claim the Vendor Reputation from Gunny for this Task.
Leave the Farmhouse and head back to Base Camp to complete the Task and collect your rewards from Gunny, or Handshake, depending on your preference.
Gunny will hand you an M4A1, cash, XP, and Vendor Reputation for completing this mission.