| GNG Gaming News | Published: January 23, 2024 |

A small update has gone live that nerfs and buffs weapons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. But this update has also changed a few things in Modern Warfare Zombies.
Warlords will now be randomized from match to match. Currently there are two Warlords in Modern Warfare Zombies, Dokkaebi who can be found at the top of the skyscraper in Zaravan City and Legacy who is found at the Legacy Fortress at D2.
Each time you load into a round of Zombies, a different Warlord will be available to hunt and kill in-game. The Act IV Mission that requires players to kill a Warlord has been updated to include both Warlords.
Read on below to see the full Modern Warfare Zombies patch notes from todays update (Wednesday, January 23)
Warlord Randomization
Dokkaebi's week-long spotlight has ended, and now a random Warlord will be selected at the start of each match.
Players can view which Warlord is active via the Tac Map. Plan accordingly!
Players can also progress the Act 4 Mission 'Storm the Castle' by eliminating any Warlord when this mission is active.
Warlord: Dokkaebi
Players will no longer be able to eliminate Dokkaebi in one shot with multiple weapons.
Another light offering for Zombies fans with this update but Season 2 is expected to introduce a lot of new features for fans of the undead-mode. Read more about it here.
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