Modern Warfare II is set to hold its Beta in September, just 4 weeks before the games launch.
A little while ago reports came in that Amazon had accidentally leaked the Beta dates of Modern Warfare II in their listing of MWII on the Amazon store. This seems to be untrue. According to @RalphsValve on Twitter the actual Beta date is set for mid-September, which is troubling.
Weekend 1 (PlayStation Exclusive)
Early Access: September 15th - 16th
Open Beta: September 17th - 19th
Weekend 2 (Cross-play Beta)
Early Access: September 22nd - 23rd
Open Beta: September 24th - 26th
To gain entry to the Early Access you'll need to pre-order the game. The Open Beta will be available to everyone. During Weekend 1 only PlayStation players will be able to play. Weekend 2 allows Xbox, PC and PlayStation users in.
We are expecting August to be a busy month with more reveals and details regarding Multiplayer being announced at some point through the month. Ralph teased that some surprises were in store too.
Why is it a troubling time to hold a Beta?
Hosting a Beta in late September doesn't leave much room to implement any feedback the community might have about the game. With an October 28th launch date in mind that's just 4 weeks from Beta to launch. How much can really be achieved in such a small time frame?
This Beta testing period is really just clever marketing for the game. They believe that it's finished or 'close enough' to a fully working, polished game. Hundreds of thousands of players will download and play the game over the course of the two weekends and hundreds of thousands more will tune in to Twitch and YouTube to watch their favourite content creators play the build.
Previous reports suggest that this game has been in full working order for some months and development has gone well and ahead of schedule.
Modern Warfare II releases October 28th, 2022. You can pre-order it now on PlayStation, Xbox and PC through Steam or