Infinity Ward is going ahead and wiping mission, stash and key progress in DMZ.

Infinity Ward released a blog post this week detailing all the changes coming to Modern Warfare II, Warzone 2 and DMZ. It goes on to explain that weapon stashes and key inventories will be wiped at the beginning of the next season. This is a common theme in Extraction based video games that is designed to level the playing field and give players fresh incentive to play more. But, another piece of progress that will wipe is player Faction Mission progress.
"All-new missions are coming to Season 02 including a refresh of your current Faction mission progress and an inventory (Contraband and Keys) reset. We will be detailing all the need-to-know intel for DMZ ahead of Season 02 in an upcoming blog." - IW blog post
The wording of the original blog post left many confused with how their mission progress was being treated. "a refresh of your current Faction Mission". Many players and content creators have been tweeting at Infinity Ward for some kind of clarification since the blog post went live, but it seems that ModernWarzone and CharlieIntel have both been informed by officials that refresh actually means wipe and all Faction Mission levels will be reset to Tier 1. Players will lose Keys, Contraband weapons, Insured Weapon Slots and any mission progress going into DMZ Season 02.
As we previously stated, this is a common practice in games like Escape from Tarkov, a move that is designed to slow down the top players getting all the best gear in the game and remaining to high a level, basically allowing them to stomp on the less equipped, less skilled players. How wiping mission progress in DMZ makes the game a level playing field is beyond us.
Our biggest problem with this situation is the complete lack of communication about it from official sources. If its a feature they want to implement into that game, we will get over it and adapt but to choose the confusing wording for the blog post and then to not clarify when asked by many members of the community is seriously frustrating.
A more detailed blog post about Warzone 2 Season 02 is expected 8 February that we hope has more details, and is better worded so that we clearly know what is happening going forward. A simple tweet from Infinity Ward or Raven Software could sort this whole debate out.