On The Range is a Task handed to player by Gunny in the Base Camp in Gray Zone Warfare. It requires you fly deep into enemy territory and scout out several points of interest in Hunter's Paradise.
Vendor: Gunny
Task: On The Range
Objective: Scout the shooting lanes, motel, and dumping ground at Hunter's Paradise
Rewards: M4A1, $5900, 1000 XP, 150 Vendor Reputation
This task requires you fly to Hunter's Paradise and visit three points of interest in the remote resort. The shooting lanes, motel, and dumping grounds.
Which POI you visit first will depend on which landing zone you choose but Foxtrot 1 is given to you when accepting this mission so you will likely enter motel or firing lanes first.
When you have reached the motel, an on-screen notification will let you know that you have discovered this POI and you can move on to the Shooting Lanes or Dumping Grounds.
Again, an on-screen notification will let you know once you have visited motel, shooting lanes, and dumping grounds. Once all three are discovered you have completed the task.
This area can be swarming with enemy AI and other real players from enemy factions so take your time.
Once you have discovered all three places you can head back to Gunny at the Base Camp and collect your rewards.