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DMZ received a patch update earlier today that fixes a few of the bugs and crashes plaguing players. We've mapped out the changes here for you.


DMZ has proved to be a very popular mode that we hope Infinity Ward sticks with and really goes to town on it's updates and improvements. That might be a while off but an update has gone live that fixes a few issues that have been causing players problems.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to get kicked out of the Backpack interface if looting an eliminated player opponent that disconnected during the interaction.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from equipping Lethal and Tactical equipment.

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to encounter the “Failed to Connect to Datacenters” error while extracting.

  • Fixed an issue that caused lobby-wide microphone input during matchmaking.

  • Fixed an issue allowing players to keep Armor Plate Carrier upgrades between matches despite having been eliminated.

  • Fixed an issue causing players to lose their Backpack upgrade when extracting after having been revived.

  • Fixed an issue causing players to incorrectly extract their insured Weapon as a contraband Weapon

Hopefully this is just the beginning of the updates as there are still much larger problems out there for DMZ. We've personally experienced severe crashes that saw us lose a lot of valuable loot. Infinity Ward really needs to impliment a crash save system that allows your loot to be extracted or at the very least weapons and gear taken into the match saved rather than treating it as an in-game death and losing everything.

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