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DMZ Might NOT Be Free-2-Play if it Returns in Call of Duty 2026


DMZ Might NOT Be Free-2-Play if it Returns in Call of Duty 2026

DMZ might NOT be Free-2-Play if it returns in Call of Duty 2026. Rumours have resurfaced that DMZ will return in Infinity Ward's next game that is tipped to be Modern Warfare 4. The most recent leak suggests that the extraction-mode won't be free-2-play. Let us explain.

DMZ is Call of Duty's first (proper) attempt at an Extraction-mode that launched with Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II back in 2022. It instantly became a hit with players. It offered a sandbox experience where players could create their own fun from completing missions, finding rare and valuable loot, and taking down enemy AI and other real players before exfiling back to safety.

DMZ Might NOT Be Free-2-Play if it Returns in Call of Duty 2026

DMZ Might NOT Be Free-2-Play

We reported last year that leaks suggested the mode would return and TheGhostofHope took to Twitter this week to seemingly confirm that the mode was coming back and would be included in Call of Duty 2026.

"DMZ returns as third gamemode in COD2026." - TheGhostofHope via Twitter

Their tweet stated that DMZ would return in Call of Duty 2026 but the important piece of information within this tweet is that it will come as the games "third gamemode". This suggests that it will be attached to Modern Warfare 4 rather than Warzone.

Call of Duty 'third game modes' are traditionally the third mode included with the base game with Campaign and Multiplayer being the first and second game modes connected to the titles.

You may remember that Modern Warfare Zombies, the Treyarch/Sledgehammer Games Zombie extraction mode, released with Modern Warfare III meaning you had to purchase the game to play the mode.

This means that owning Modern Warfare 4 will be required to play DMZ rather than it being attached to Warzone. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing in our opinion. One of the major complaints from DMZ and Warzone players was how inter-woven the mode's were and how they constantly interfered with one another.

If DMZ becomes 'stand-alone' in the sense that it isn't connected to Warzone it can truly grow and become something different to it's Battle Royale big brother. Sadly, this does put a shelf-life on the mode as Modern Warfare 4 life-cycle will only be a year.

How do you feel about DMZ potentially no longer being free-2-play? Will you still play it if you have to fork out some cash for it? Let us know in the comments below.

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