The Delta Force: Hawk Ops PC Alpha Test has been delayed. Rumors begun circulating yesterday that the public Alpha test had been delayed after a volunteer moderator in the official Delta Force Discord posted that information had been handed to the mods that claimed the play test would be delayed, later in the day this was confirmed by the dev team.
Delta Force: Hawk Ops PC Alpha Test has been DELAYED
Delta Force has shared an official statement regarding it's upcoming PC Alpha Test, that was scheduled to release to the public on July 18.
Results from the closed Pre-Alpha Technical Test where a small group of content creators seems to have raised some concerns for the Chinese developers which has led to the public Alpha Test being delayed.
Long queue times and localization issues seem to be the main cause of concern for the upcoming first-person-shooter title. You can read the full statement from Team Jade below.
It is unclear when the PC Alpha Test may now take place but the statement does say that players won't have to wait long and that additional content will now be included in it when it does eventually launch. This includes an additional map for the highly anticipated Hazard Operations Extraction mode that looks to replace the likes of Call of Duty's DMZ.
Once we know the Delta Force: Hawk Ops PC Alpha Tests rescheduled date we will post an article with the dates and how players can get into it on our website and social media pages so stay tuned for more info.
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